Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Slacker follow up

Ok so I have been slacking (severely) on my blog. I have contemplated going back to complete my race report for the Chattanooga Stage race and simply haven't. In my defense I did start it on the plane ride two days post race on the way out to Oregon, but seeing that I was sitting with two of my best friends and we were on our way to the Olympic Track and Field Trials....it went completely out the window. That being said...here is about all you need to know about the race:

1. There are a heck of a lot of steep climbs in Chattanooga...it ain't called a Mountain Stage Race for nuthin. The course is hard but runnable and it's definitely a well organized race.

2. Day 1 was a disaster for me. I fell, blew up when I went out too fast, couldn't keep my heart rate under 180bpm thanks to the combo of elevation and Zyrtec I finished feeling like defeated and wondering what I was doing there at all.

3. Day 2 was a positive change. I raced solid and comfortable although I did get stung on the top of my foot resulting in sever swelling and the nickname "Princess Fat Foot"....stupid ^&$%*# yellow jackets (see photo)

4. Day 3 I just got pissed off and ran hard. I got stung (again) and had enough of wallowing in my own pity. I kicked major ass on the back trails and finished strong.

5. Chattanooga is a cool town... Best race to have done with great friends

Overall the numbers were not great but it was my first stage race:
116th/185 runners
25/54 Females (No AGs)
Time : 11:09:19

That being said I will be back to try again.
Great race, great friends...Day 3

Cheesing on the way to start Day 1

War wounds post Day 1
Princess Fat Foot